We are back. ALL OF US! We had such a blast talking about 2015, we decided to keep the mics hot and talk a bit about 2016, so let’s not keep you waiting!
And hey— this is Episode 50!!!
00:00 — Introduction
- The Mid-Life Crisis Episode….well, no not really…
- Did we just drop a teaser for Episode #51?
- Guests—SOUND OFF!!!
- Piper J. Drake (a/k/a P.J. Schnyder)
- Matthew J. Drake
- Lauren “Scribe” Harris
- K.T. Byski
- A liver joke…that K.T. doesn’t get?
- So we were planning to talk about 2015 and 2016 all in one show, but we all talk a lot….
- When you have houseguests, get some mileage out of them.
- Sonic Boom’s epic mic drop during her bedtime prayer. More like an audition for Trinity Episcopal.
- What we’ve been doing during this wild weekend with houseguests…which includes getting in word count…
- Drawing a parallel between Ex Machina and The Force Awakens
07:17 — Looking Ahead to 2016
- To hear about what we accomplished last year, listen to this show.
- K.T. Bryski is graduating from Stonecoast!
- While waiting for her graduation, K.T.’s starting a novel
- Tee blacks out on a really cool show done back in September where K.T. is working on a one-act play.
- K.T. wants to work on other ideas germinating and gestating in her head.
- Lauren “Scribe” Harris, has a multi-pronged plan for 2016
- Obtaining her license
- Completing second drafts on two novels
- Completing audiobook projects
- Writing a musical with K.T.
- K.T. and Lauren share a moment of cuteness with just a touch of Jack Bauer
- Lauren also has a cover shoot coming up
- Matthew J. Drake
- Piper is having a happy anime girl moment.
- Matt is grasping the hard reality about the best laid plans.
- Matt Drake, the Unexpected Author
- Still pursuing advanced degrees and opportunities
- Matt is still in video games, but not so much with Twitch.
- Audio is drawing Matt into the flame….
- Piper J. Drake kicks off 2016 with a BRAND NEW BOOK!
- Big step for PJD who is coming out of a box swinging HARD.
- Hardcore promotion lies ahead.
- With five books coming in 2016, she’s already lining up future projects!
- Piper cracks the whip on Tee, and conspires with Pip…
- Tee and Pip are also hitting 2016’s ground running
- Complete The Ghost Rebellion
- Complete Countless Hues of Crimson
- Begin work on Operation: Endgame
- Pip looks to complete The Silver Pharoh
- Tee looks at Wolf in the Fold…again.
- The Kickstarter has committed Tee to writing and recording Little Red Flying Hood
- And with lessons learned in all our Kickstarter, Tee wants to pitch Crowdfunding for Writers to Writers’ Digest
- …provided there are no surprise home D.I.Y. Projects.
27:41 — How do we make all this happen in 2016?
- Piper J. prioritizes the projects by contracts, money value, and Any.do, day planners with neat-o re-stickable stickers, and Scrivener as a series bible!
- A few thoughts about Evernote, something Tee needs to explore.
- Matt just needs to narrow down his goals, and he’s planing a new website.
- Technology is Matt’s jam, particularly a smartphone that does what it wants you to to do and has a LOT of space.
- Lauren loves paper, by the way. That, and Angry Canadians.
- An analog girl, Lauren works with old school day planners that are associated with their own unique projects.
- Lauren’s secret for beautiful skin? A sound booth.
- Lauren needs to get that license…then the creative endeavors take off.
- How will K.T. make her 2016 happen? COFFEE.
- K.T. also has to schedule her creativity around Black Creek Brewery.
- The struggle is real between creativity and exhaustion.
- How do you fit in time (and energy) for writing?
- A discussion on Write or Die.
- Another discussion on writing with music in the background.
56:13 Wrapping up
- Just in case you missed the links at the beginning of the cast…
- K.T. Byski and Black Creek Brewery
- Lauren “Scribe” Harris
- Matthew J. Drake and the Mango Rice podcast
- Piper J. Drake (a/k/a P.J. Schnyder)
- And we are all over the social medias
- I think Pip is a little tired, needs a nap…
- Closing out with Sebastian reading the end credits.
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.