This episode Pip and Tee talk about their experience so far with running a Kickstarter Campaign to fund the fifth Ministry Book, The Ghost Rebellion.
00:00 — Introduction
- Way too hot in the studio to handle!
- Guests—SOUND OFF!!!
- Piper J. Drake (a/k/a P.J. Schnyder)
- Matthew J. Drake
- Lauren “Scribe” Harris
- K.T. Byski
- Even Benedick is chilling out on the Cat Tree with all these studio guests
- What is Matthew brewing up in Imagine That! Studios? (Everyone just hold on to something.)
- Tea Bags for Beer? You’re soaking in it.
06:07 — Looking Back to 2015
- Piper J. Drake talks about creating identities and working through a year of transition.
- Matthew J. Drake…who is this guy?
- Lauren “Scribe” Harris, back in house with us…and memories of Smoky Mountains.
- Back to school.
- Finishing a draft.
- Releasing a novel.
- And recording audio.
- And now, we’re on to our favorite Canadian…
- K.T. Bryski looks back on her own year of transition and short story exploration.
- Canadians make Tee cry.
- Wicked Abs of Steel….coming soon from Lauren “Scribe” Harris…
- Tee and Pip talk about 2015, their Year of Accomplishment.
- The Diamond Conspiracy
- Won an RT Award
- Finished Social Media for Writers
- Webinars and Appearances
- …and enjoyed the ultimate New York experience with Tee’s buddy from high school.
- Turning to the Beer Tea, after a time of steeping.
- So we look at the color and we smell the liquid….
- ….and it tastes like Popcorn Juice.
- Lauren don’t beer.
36:20 — How did we make 2015 happen?
- Katie and Lauren draw things with Sharpies.
- Lauren is also into lists. And day planners.
- Trash talking breaks out between Pantsers and Plotters.
- Matt is getting into writing, and Habitica is his special place.
- Piper is working with Microsoft Project, and loves it madly. Along with Macs, apps, and other tech toys.
- The Mac Vs. PC debate raises its ugly head. Again.
- Setting up dedicated work spaces.
- Let’s talk about 2016….on a brand new show!
52:15 Wrapping up
So Tee is responsible for the lack of editing. Slacker.
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
on Tee, or the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences on Periscope
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.