Working our way through the recorded backlog, and keeping this on track. We should get a medal…well instead we got an award! We’ll be talking about the RT convention in a future episode, but for now we’ll be talking to Nobilis about editing anthologies.
00:00 Introduction and Time Shifting
- Some professional banter between Tee and Pip.
- Looking forward to Balticon this weekend!
- Nobilis is taking our hand through running our own Ministry Initiative game.
- At the time of recording Nobilis was working on a charity anthology, and we were finishing Tales of a Tesla Ranger
- Where you can find Pip and Tee at conventions
4:21 What we’re working on
- This was waaaaay back, when we were finishing the final line edits of the Diamond Conspiracy!
- Pip had finally finished the edits of the audiobook Weather Child.
- Tales of a Tesla Ranger is now out there.
- Apparently Pip’s life as kitty litter scooper and laundress is still rolling on
- Nobilis had put up episode 315 of his podcast up. Putting us all to same.
- Nobilis has an app for that for iphone and Android
- Nobilis has had novel nibbles, and is involved in tentacle romance.
- Pip gets too excited by tentacles.
- Tee and Pip are working on book Five for the Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences
- The Social Media for Writers is coming! Seriously it has an Amazon page and everything…
- All the BUYMYBOOKBUYMYBOOK people need a couple of copies…
- Moving to the Tee loves Chuck section of the podcast. Check out Chuck Wendig’s blog…
- What…what…we recorded this back around Christmas!?!
- Seriously the Krampus!
14:17 Looks like we finally found the topic!
- Nobilis is working on developing a charity anthology called Coming Together: Outside the Box, that will benefit an organization researching the cancer that took PG Holyfield– The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation.
- Nobilis’ anthology Coming Together: Outside the Box is available now from Smashwords or Amazon.
- The more submissions the more, Nobilis has to choose from.
- Nobilis is up to four anthology.
- Digging through the slush pile can be somewhat depressing…
- The Woodhull Freedom Foundation
- Coming Together in Flux was Nobilis’ first anthology he was in from the start.
- What you need to become an editor and rally an anthology. First, networking…
- So many places now to sell short fiction these days.
- How Nobilis decided to do Outside the Box, and finding a research organization
- PG Holyfield, pioneer inspired the theme
- Coming Together is a huge range of fiction available, including anthologies
- With Tales of a Tesla Ranger we ran it through a few people
- Some charities go all in!
- Sometimes you have to move fast to get things done.
- Shout out to Bruce Press Photography
- We gave PG adventures he never got to have
- Anthology contains some of PG’s previously unpublished works
36:06 The actual editing of stories
- You think writing is tough, try editing!
- Pros and cons of invitation vs open submissions
- Finding the flow of stories for the anthology
- First and last stories are very important
- First stories especially as that turns up in the sample when people are deciding if they should buy or not
- Pip’s happy to be the end
- Anthologies are like a sampler box of chocolates
44:40 Writers off the Clock- House of Cards, Disney Infinity
- We delve into the world of Frank Underwood and House of Cards.
- West Wing by David Fincher
- Frank doesn’t let Tee get off the elliptical
- Pip has enjoyed playing Disney Infinity
- Pip is either Gamora or Thor…not to say why…
- Nobilis is worried about a conspiracy from Bioware. He’s been playing Dragon Age: Inquisition
- Pip and Tee have to control themselves from rushing out to buy it.
- A beautiful example of game writing
- The issues of romance in game
- Pip says no brain eating
1:03:51 Outro
- The Christmas Market (yeahhhh we got sick and never got there!)
- What break? We don’t recall one…
- Nobilis apparently went to Farpoint, next one is coming February 2016
- Pip explains Boxing Day
- Find Nobilis here
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or question for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.