We’ve been busy lately with wrapping up one project and starting a brand new one. However, we are never too busy to learn new things, and Pip is doing that presently with Nick Stephenson and his course, How to Find Your First 10,000 Readers. This may sound like we’re drinking the marketing guru’s Kool-Aid (mmmmm…fruity) but we are asking hard questions. Nick’s got answers.
00:00 — Introduction
- Sorry for the break, everybody.
- Anyone else stoked for The Defenders?
- What are we up to?
- How about that Motor City Steam Con?
- So nice to get some time in with Chris Lester.
- Talking a lot about the shenanigans in Detroit! What a great event!
- Finishing up Podcasting for Dummies…finally.
- Tucking in with Operation: Endgame…finally.
- How about that Motor City Steam Con?
- Pip’s been having a long week along with Jessica Jones.
- Also working on Operation: Endgame…
- Also working on Immortal Sisters…
- AND ALSO…working on a BRAND NEW novel!
06:57 — Episode #78: Authors Behaving Badly
- If you have seen authors really hopping off the rails, share your stories with us at…
- 703-791-1701
- tee@teemorris.com or pip@pjballantine.com
- First up: When Storytelling Goes Awry
- We’re not naming names.
- The problem isn’t the writing. It was the storytelling.
- When the books ends abruptly — is that good storytelling?
- How we stuck with a good story while keeping another story ongoing — yes, it can be done.
- When you sudden;y discover YOUR CHARACTER IS ACTUALLY BOSS-POWERED!!! Wait, what?
- When a twist goes bad for Tee…and never gets better even with three books.
- Is this a legitimate style, or is this just bad storytelling?
- Oh…look….the gifted orphans.
- Next on Our List: Authors Investing into Click-Farms
- Yeah, you want to make an impact in the publishing industry, but come on…
- Authors are no longer playing the game so much as authors are playing the system in the worst way possible.
- Welcome to the wonderful world of Click Farms for Amazon KU. Ugh!
- This was Tee’s biggest hangup with the KU Program from Day One.
- These services are cheap. Are they ethical? OH HELL NO.
- Where are these smart devices coming from, you think?
- No, KU is a crappy system. Period.
- Last Item: The Importance of a Workflow
- Less about writers, more about the support staff you are working with.
- New technology is cool, but you really should know about a new gadget before incorporating it into a project’s workflow.
- Even Tee has new tech toys he wants t learn, but he understands limitations and learning curves.
- Paper trails matter!
- File Management matters, too!
- Pip is Tee’s Landshark of Love.
30:00 — The Loot Crate Lookie-Loo!
- This Loot Crate has been gathering dust…
- July’s Theme: ANIMATION
- Rick & Morty: A “Rick” statue that carries explicit content
- A Bob’s Burgers Recipe Collection (Very cool, LootCrate!)
- Tee-shirt: Classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
- A “SLURM” koozie from the world of Futurama
- Nice Loot Crate pin, also from Bob’s Burgers
- Tee grabs for the booklet as there really isn’t anything from our fandoms. We need help trying to figure out what this Bob’s Burgers item is all about…
- This Loot Crate is a first for us, and that will make attendees of our panels VERY happy!
35:08 — The Wrap-Up
- The things they say in New Zealand…
- Oooooh, Coconut!
- Where are we going to be?
- Starting 1 August, The Dog Days of Podcasting is happening here! HAPPENING NOW! (And here’s why Tee’s doing this here!)
- 19 August, Murder As You Like It in Mechanicsburg, PA
- 1-4 September, Escape Velocity in Washington, D.C.
- October, The Maryland Renaissance Festival is
- 28 October, Tee will be alongside Chuck Tomasi, hosting the P.I.Y. Workshop, a launch event for Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition
- If you have an event and want The Shared Desk to appear there, here’s where to find us…
- 703.791.1701
- pip@pjballantine.com
- tee@teemorris.com
- …and social media, of course.
- And with all this, we want Operation: Endgame to happen by Halloween
- And did you know that Pip has a Patreon? SHE DOES, YOU KNOW!!!
- We got lots to do, so see you in two weeks!
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.