It’s so nice to breathe again, and because we got over the bug that we’ve passed back and forth to one another, we are back with a brand new Shared Desk! We have The Nebula Awards Conference this weekend, so as we are prepping for that, we’re turning to our voicemails and spending some time with you this go-round! (See—when you leave us Voicemail, we put you on the show!) We are also debuting a new segment for the show. Make sure to let us know what you think at 703-791-1701, and we may feature you in a segment or a special show just like this one.
Well, not just like this one as we are not going to get the exact feedback.
You know what we mean!
00:00 — Introduction
- No longer shouting into the mic. See, Pip can be taught!
- Thanks, Billy, for the sweet drop-in!
- Big shout out for all this great geekery on the television. Well, not all of it…
- Anyone else excited about The Defenders?
- Finally over the sniffles, the coughing, and the congestion…
- Pip missed Ravencon, but here’s a flashback to it.
- Then Tee got sick. Thanks, Pip.
- Why you edit audiobooks…
03:54 — Episode 74: Your Voicemails!
- Some Voicemail love
- We’ve been letting the voicemails stack up, so we’re giving the whole show to them.
- Some cross-promotion for Happy Hour from the Tower
- Upcoming Podcasting for Dummies shenanigans
- …and yeah, a lot of podcasting in the works for the both of us!
- First Voicemail: Brian Webber & Episode 69
- Great Dungeons & Dragons stories
- Arkle’s suggestion for Tee and Nick’s talk, Slightly Off-Key
- Quick nod to Daemon Suede’s Cinema Craptastique
- Pip is totally in sync with Arkle’s D&D story
- Concerning ADHDD&D on the Geek Wolfpack Podcast
- Second Voicemail: Chris Lester & Episode 71
- Chris knows how to plug!
- The theory of what brings on The Impostor Syndrome
- Chris’ introduction to Hamilton parallels Tee’s
- Some Hamilton trivia, especially Lin-Manuel Miranda at the White House
- Lin-Manuel Miranda and the Creative Process
- A discussion about being a “Genius”
- Third Voicemail: Nobilis Reed & Episode 73
- When authors don’t want to move forward, why does that mean readers can’t?
- The end can be the beginning, whether it is a role-playing game (like ours!) or writing fan fiction.
- Fan fiction is a healthy extension of where an author’s work ends.
- Mike Rigg launched the Steam Rollers Adventure Podcast as an extension of his own world (and Tee loves to listen).
- Fourth Voicemail: Steve Pritchard & Episode 73
- More reminiscing over Billi Baddings
- Passing along notes to other writers and passing the torch…
- Looking back on Iron Fist
- Yes, we love Listener Feedback so drop us a line…
- 703.791.1701
- tee (at) teemorris (dot) com
- pip (at) pjballantine (dot) com
- ….or leave us a comment right here in the show’s post!
- Pip gets all foreign on Tee again.
28:07 — What’s Cookin’, Writers?
- And now, the Spirit Animal of Tee and Pip’s Kitchen
- How did this segment come about? It all started with a Facebook exchange from Tommy Garza…
- If you think we cook like crazy, how about that Piper J Drake?
- Smoking Meats: The Basics
- Step 1: Get Yourself a Smoker
- Be careful—you may get so attached to your smoker, you may put your life before this appliance.
- Char-Broil Electric Smoker. Great device, dodgy app.
- Step 1: Get Yourself a Smoker
- The Zen of Smoked Meats
- This is not an impulse thing. You plan for smoking meats.
- Smoking meats is great for writers!
- You want wood? We got wood!
- Char Broil has a great website for tips on smoking meats.
- Try different flavors with your wood. Find out what works for you.
- Whatever the cooking time, add one hour.
- Smoking Ribs: The 3-2-1 Method
- Enjoy your double innuendos.
- The Tea & Spice Exchange is great for rubs!
- Farmers’ Markets also carry terrific rubs.
- Apply rub to your meat, smoke that for three hours.
- Then baste your meat, smoke for two hours. (We love using cider from Cobbler Mountain Cellars.)
- Cover in a sauce of your liking, smoke for an hour.
- Serve, eat, and you’re welcome.
- And now, since we’re talking about poultry, let’s talk about spatchcocking.
- Shout out to Scott Sigler!
- Closing with brisket
- Want to try Blue Apron? Reach out to us. Let us know…
45:45 — The Wrap-Up
- Where are we going to be?
- 18 – 21 May, The Nebula Awards Conference in Pittsburgh, PA (It will be Katie, Tee, Pip, Lauren, Piper, and Matt — the Smoky Writers Mafia!)
- 27 May, Balticon 51 in Baltimore, MD…but not as guests. Just coming to hang out.
- 16-18 June, AwesomeCon in Washington D.C.
- 14-16 July, Motor City Steam Con in Detroit, MI
- Alright, now let’s see if they can stay healthy!
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.