We’re baaaaaaaaaaaack!!!
Another year, another retreat in the Smoky Mountains. Here’s how it all went down…
00:00 — Introduction
- How many times is Pip going to make this joke?
- First time with new mics? Why, yes — yes, it is!
- Special Guest — K.T. Bryski who is always writing like she’s running out of time…
- New drop-in’s from Hamilton: An American Musical…again!
- So what’s the new gear and what do you all think?
- Tee’s on a Heil PR781 for the first time, and digging it!
- Pip is working the Heil PR40 while using a Heil PL2T Boom Mic stand.
- Katie is the rebel of the three of us, recording on the MXL BCD-1 (which came with a WS-002 windscreen) with the BCD Boom Mic stand.
- Thoughts and opinions on the new gear…
- So why the upgrade? Tee Morris and Chuck Tomasi are returning to the stands with Podcasting for Dummies: The Third Edition!
06:48 — Episode 72: The 2017 Smoky Writers Retreat Wrap-Up (featuring K.T. Bryski…now with even MORE Hamilton!!!)
- What are we taking with us? (Sing along if you know the drop-in…)
- Always nice to see Stephen Grenade when you get there.
- A look at the man behind the Smoky Writers Retreat….
- Great Things about the New Cabin
- Double the hot tubs!
- Everyone had beds!
- Where we found our place to write in Valhalla?
- Katie is being distracting!
- Tee starts up a new routine: A Brisk Morning Walk — UPHILL — BOTH WAYS!!!
- Watch one of the videos from Tee & Tim’s Morning Walk, and laugh at how hard we are working…
- What we were working on…
- For Pip: The Illuminal — first draft, now at a 50K word count
- For Katie: She started off wanting to write a novel, but took a step back to work on short stories.
- For Tee: Dope, now over 27K deep and running at a good pace
- If you are not reading Piper J. Drake’s bestselling trilogy, you should be!
- For Katie: Salmon and Soba Noodles
- For Pip: She refuses to choose…
- For Tee: The Lamb Curry
- Tee starts taking risks with Sirracha.
- A Day at MagicQuest
- How to fix MagicQuest from authors who have never grown up…
- The Mirror Maze — FUN!
- Blacklight Pirate Golf, as you do!
- Smoky Writers is NOT a vacation.
- Just accept it — we all love M.K.!
- This year saw the founding of the Smoky Writers Chamber Choir!
- Thank you M.K. for picking up the official SWR Guitar!
- The reasons we may be returning to Valhalla…
- What brings us back to Smoky and how this is Alex White’s show…
- So…are we there yet?
32:03 — Loot Crate Lookie-Loo!
- The Loot Crate arrived before we left…
- February Theme: BUILD
- The Lego Batman Food Container — MINE!
- The tee-shirt is Volton …and now it is Katie’s
- Lego Dimensions: Benny and Benny’s Spaceship
- Tetris Magnets. That’s a distraction waiting to happen.
- Secret Order of the Keys…something for later.
- The BUILD crate marks the one-year anniversary with Loot Crate!
- What else came in the mail? A special Cards Against Humanity expansion pack!
- It was M.K.’s first time playing, and we were all worried about how she was going to take it…
- …well, not all of us were worried. There was “That bitch, Stacey!”
- And what did Tee pick up? A Mass Effect Expansion Pack.
37:36 — The Wrap-Up
- What were we drinking tonight?
- What’s coming in 2017…
- Katie is finally going home! And she’s got a mystery on her hands…
- 1-2 April, The 3rd Annual Science Fiction Online Writers Conference, presented by Writers Digest
- 28-30 April, RavenCon 12 in Williamsburg, VA
- 18 – 21 May, The Nebula Awards Conference in Pittsburgh, PA (It will be Katie, Tee, and Pip…along with others from the Smoky Retreat!)
- Tee and Pip will be visiting Balticon…
- We are going to get back to Operation: Endgame…
- And we’re back to Hamilton: An American Musical, as we do.
- Katie at KTBryski.com…
- …and as for us…
- Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
- Send Tee email — tee@teemorris.com
- Send Pip email — pip@pjballantine.com
- …or find us on social media everywhere.
45:03 — Post-Show Groove
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.