With Curse of the Silver Pharaoh now out in print, Tee and Pip head to a renaissance festival for hilarity and sheananigans. They invited for their little merry jaunt a pair of Laurens who know a lot about writing Young Adult fiction. So even thought it is Tee’s birthday, we are giving YOU a present with this podcast for your Friday!!!
00:00 — Introduction
- Little wins can sometimes include kicking off a podcast
- Epic Sized Introduction Drop-In’s for Epic Sized Ladies
- On Tee’s To-Do List: Harvesting Kate McKinnon Outtakes
- This visit all started at LaurenCon
- Featuring really good vodka from Murlarkey Distilleries
- Scribe and Scribby spent their visit hanging with the Boom…and the Boom LOVED it!
- Did I mention Boom is twelve?
- Librarians know how to party!
06:53 — Episode #66: Young Adult Fiction 101 (with Scribe and Scribby)
- We have EXPERTS in the studio on this!
- See, we got The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh out now…and holy crap—it’s out!
- Tee’s pitch for Silver Pharaoh
- The conversation stems from a recent blogpost of Tee’s…
- A brief moment of political discourse…
- First Lesson: Don’t treat your audience like kids.
- The danger of talking down to your audience
- Comparing Harry Potter to The Hobbit
- Pacing tends to affect the word count as well.
- How tweens and teens deal with and explore morality, both in groups as well as in individuals
- The matter of POV’s in Y.A. Fiction
- An Ember in the Ashes
- Raven Boys
- And Lauren’s own works…
- What teens look for
- Second Lesson: Your heroes are not prodigies.
- A collection of Chosen Ones
- The Maze Runner
- Divergent
- The Fifth Wave
- What Harry Potter gets right about handling the Chosen One trope
- Defending the Chosen One Trope
- Tee and Jo? Yeah, we’re tight.
- Now, if you want to talk Chosen Ones, TAKE A LOOK AT NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM….
Damn, bro… - How Harry become the Chosen One
- The Fifth Wave, exploring the power of the abs…
- What set Katniss apart from other “Chosen One” heroes.
- WE HAVE A LOT MORE TO SAY ON Y.A. but we will just have to pick up where we left off in two weeks.
30:49 — Writers Off the Clock
- Where were we this weekend? This little party called The Maryland Renaissance Festival
- Pimp that Kiwi — COMING IN 2017 ON THE CW!
- First Stop: Barnes & Noble Power Plant…which was a disaster.
- Next Stop: Barnes & Noble at JMU
- Final Stop: Page After Page at MDRF
- Comparing the North Carolina Renaissance Festival to Revel Grove
- Doc Coleman — Your Map to the Grove
- Tee’s Approach to Revel Grove, and how Page After Page is the center of this Tudor Nexus
- Let Tee tell you about Puke & Snot…
- The show Tee never wrote for Shakespeare’s Skum
- Another great thing about the Grove: SHOPPING!
- What clothiers want to hear: “I wanna look like Claire.”
- Skribby Fangirling is precious.
- Boom’s Adventures in Revel Grove
- Stuffed Dragons AT — THE — DOOR!
- Boom was working the crowd like a champ.
- Good first impression on Boom from Loot Crate!
- Hey, LootCrate — how about a Stranger Things crate? Something to think about!
45:15 — Wrapping up
- It’s all gold…so should we break this up, you think? (Spoiler Alert: We did.)
- Our next podcast: Three Nasty Women and One Bad Hombre Podcast
- What should be the content of a podcast? Let us know at 703.791.1701
- Quick promo and shout-out for Revel Grove
- Where will Scribe and Skribby be at the end of the year…
- They just moved! (And they are so tired.)
- Leaving really cool digs on the farm for a bachelorette pad of nasty women
- Catching a breath and unpacking boxing
- Bringing Katie and Skribby together — We must make that happen!
- Where are we going to be between now and the end of the year: 18-20 November, PhilCon in Cherry Hill, NJ
- We need to also get in writing with Countless Hues of Crimson
- Mad love for Verena Vorsatz
- Broadening the reach of the Tribe
- Final Fantasy cosplay shenanigans abound
- Where to find Scribe and Skribby
- Check out the website!
- The new podcast: Fandom PhD
- A full Hogwarts house in this recording!
- Lauren dreams up a cosplay…
- You want an amazing Ravenclaw cosplay?
- We are getting your voicemails and email, but we’ve been recording jam-packed shows of late. We will be getting to them soon! Until then…
- Call us at 703.791.1701 (now accessible through the Instagram app!)
- Send me email — tee@teemorris.com
- Send Pip email — pip@pjballantine.com
- …or find us on social media everywhere.
Find us on Twitter at either Tee’s or Pip’s account,
leave us a voicemail or questions for the show at 703.791.1701,
or leave us a comment here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!
And remember, you can find the show on iTunes or Stitcher!
Subscribe, listen, and review.
Enjoy the ride
and we’ll catch you later.